Thursday, July 29, 2010

Qatar Number Change

Qatar's numbers have changed - but ours haven't. Our programmers are in the process of making a program to automatically change all numbers, but it is taking them rather longer than established. In the meantime, please double the first digit of numbers in Qatar to make a valid telephone call: for details see Qatar's Number Change.

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Monday, July 19, 2010

Cancelling your Qatar Visa

Leaving Qatar can be a nightmare, at least according to many employees. However, the bureaucratic confusion is caused by employers' procedures (designed to keep them from assuming employees' debts) not by the actual process of cancelling your visa - as we see in our latest article on Qatar Visitor - Leaving Qatar: Cancelling your Qatar Visa.

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Monday, July 05, 2010

Recipes from Qatar

Qatar recipes.
The latest article is now on the site this time featuring an array of delicious Qatar Recipes!