Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Studying languages in Qatar

Future updates to this post will be made to the Studying Arabic and Other Languages in Qatar section of our website.

Also see: Qatar schools Further education in Qatar

It is often easier for an English speaking expatriate to function in Qatar than for a native Qatari. Only the other day I watched an elderly Arabic man struggle to make himself understood in broken English to a Philippine nurse. With the importance of English, it is not surprising that English courses are widely available. However, language courses do not stop there, and you can study a large variety of languages.

Below we’ve included just a few of the language schools in Doha.

Language Schools in Doha

Government Schools (open to all)

The Language Teaching Institute (evening courses)
Languages taught: Japanese, Arabic, English, French taught by native speakers.
Telephone: +974 4657690
Address: PO Box 3224, Doha, Qatar
Location: New Slata, opposite the Indonesian Embassy.
Course length and frequency: Works on a term system, with placement tests for new students being held three times a year. Terms last three months, lessons are held three times a week in the evenings.
Note – The institute is run (and subsisised) by the Ministry of Education and therefore fees are very reasonable.
Website: The Language Institute

Private Schools

The Berlitz Language School
Languages taught: English, Arabic, Farsi, Japanese, French, Spanish, Dutch, Russian
German, Italian, Urdu, Portuguese
Telephone: +974 4550506/4550507
Address: PO Box 23605
Location: Al Hilal - D Ring Road.
Course length and frequency: Usually students meet three times a week for one and a half a time. Each level lasts two months.

The British Council
Languages taught: English (Native speakers).
Location: 93 Al Sadd Street
Telephone: +974 4426193-4
Fax: +974 4423315
Address: P O Box 2992DohaQatar
Course length and frequency: 7 weeks Twice a week Two hours a day
Courses include: Young Learners, Adult Learners, Exam Preparation, Business English

The Online Indonesian Phrasebook

Qatar Visitor Bookstore
