Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Tour companies in Qatar

Here's a list of tour operators in Qatar. The only one we've had a bad experience with is QIT, who cancelled a trip to the Inland sea with 12 hours notice because they had a larger booking!

Alpha Tours, Qatar
P.O. Box 13530, Doha, Qatar
Tel: + 974 4837815
+ 974 4837809
Fax: + 974 4832610
Email: info@alphatoursqatar.com
Website (currently under construction)
Dubai website

Arabian Adventures
Tel :+974 4361461
Fax :+974 4361471
P.O. Box: 4476, Doha, Qatar

E-mail: arabvent@qatar.net.qa

Black Pearl Tourism Services
PO Box 45677 Tel: +974 4357333
Fax: +974 4354888
P.O. Box 45677
E-mail: blackpearl_qtr@hotmail.com

Desert Adventure
Tel: +974 436 2455
Fax: +974 436 1772

Gulf Adventures
P.O. Box 18180
Phone : (+974) 4315555
Fax : (+ 974) 4324060

Qatar International Adventures
P.O. Box 13915 Doha, Qatar
Tel: +974 455 3954
Fax: +974 467 6184
Email: info@qia-qatar.com

Qatar International Tours (QIT)
PO Box 9920, Doha, Qatar Tel: +974 4361461
Email: info@qit-qatar.com

Find the best deal, compare prices and read what other travellers have to say about Qatar
