Tuesday, January 22, 2008

British Embassy Anouncement


The British Embassy is pleased to announce that it will be moving at the beginning of February from its current premises in Rumeila to a new building in West Bay. This purpose-built Embassy, located between the Rainbow roundabout and Aladdin’s roundabout, is much larger than its predecessor and offers an expanded platform for all aspects of the Embassy’s work to promote UK/Qatar relations, including trade and investment promotion and consular services. However, all visa applications should continue to be made at the Visa Application Centre in the Sherif Building, opposite Toyota Towers. Please see VFS's website for further details.

As a result of the move, there will be disruption to our visa service. All applicants intending to travel to the UK before mid-February should apply as soon as possible to the Visa Application Centre. We will not be able to accept visa applications between 1530hrs on Sunday 27 January and 0800hrs on Sunday 10 February. The Visa Application Centre (462-2159) will provide information only for telephone enquirers.

There will also be disruption to our consular services for British nationals. Applicants requiring new or replacement British passports should apply to the Embassy as soon as possible, as we will be unable to accept applications between 1300hrs on Thursday 24 January and 0800hrs on Sunday 10 February. In this period, we will only provide emergency consular assistance for British nationals. There will be no notarial services available. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused over the period of the move and look forward to receiving enquiries and visitors at our new premises. From 6 February the Embassy's new telephone number will be 496-2000.