Wednesday, July 09, 2008

A great new little site, which has been set up in Qatar by a recent business graduate of Carnegie Mellon university, is

The site has been set up by an Iraqi lady, named Jinane, who was born and brought up in the UK. Fortunately for her, she had parents who were careful to preserve her language and as a result she has become bilingual. As a result she is perhaps the ideal person to set up a site providing Arabic books for children.

Jinane, founder of ArabooThe books are graded in different levels from baby to teens adults. The books vary from Arabic topics (the number one seller is Hassan Sees Everything) to books with Western themes (Teletubbies: Dipsy Dances.) Prices also seem very reasonable - Hassan Sees Everything retails for a mere $2.50.

Bringing children up bilingually has major advantages for the children in the long term. However, as children tend to head towards the majority language in whatever country they are from, encouraging active bilingualism is not always easy, which is why so many languages are lost by children and grandchildren of immigrants. Any site like this is therefore invaluable to parents struggling to maintain their language abroad, as well as for those studying Arabic and of course for Muslim parents who wish to stimulate an interest in Arabic for religous reasons.

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