Tuesday, July 01, 2008

British Embassy Press Release: New Access Road

The British Embassy have sent us the following press release. For more information about the British Embassy, its history and its new location see British Embassy open for business.

New Wahda St access road to British Embassy in West Bay: old route no longer accessible

As of today, the access road to the British Embassy in West Bay is changing. Visitors to the Embassy should now approach from the Rainbow (Arches) roundabout and take the Wahda St exit towards Qatar University. The first exit off Wahda St on the right leads to the Embassy carpark.

The Embassy understands that the previous access road from Lusail St (Aladdin’s roundabout) will be closed as of 1 July. We apologise for any inconvenience caused but believe the new route will make it considerably easier for our customers to reach the Embassy.

A revised map of the route to the Embassy is available on our website at www.britishembassy.gov.uk/qatar

British Embassy Doha
30 June, 2008

Also see:

Full list of embassies in Qatar

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