Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Marriage in Qatar

A girl shows off her Henna markings.
Our latest article covers an area we have long felt to be a gaping hole in the culture section of our website - Qatar Weddings. As men, who have never been and will never go to a women's wedding in Qatar (yes, the men's wedding is seperate) we felt unqualified to even try and write about the subject. Fortunately, Mohana Rajakumar, editor of Qatar Narratives and organiser of the Doha Writer's workshop, came to our rescue with this superb article about a world that the men amongst us can never enter.

A quick aside about the image: this was a photograph by Trey Ratcliff of a girl he saw in Qatar. The girl, whose name was Ameena, and who is from Bahrain, was enroute to her honeymoon, and was still wearing the traditional henna tattoes that girls have have done prior to getting married. Trey was gracious enough to allow us use of the image. If you want to see other superb examples of his work visit his blog:

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