Sunday, May 10, 2009

Bahrain to Abolish Sponsorship System - Qatar Businessmen React

In what must spell hope for thousands of expatriates who feel trapped by Qatar's sponsorship system - a system which has been likened to slavery, a fact acknowledged by the Qatar prime minister - Bahrain has announced plans to scrap its sponsorship plans.

Sponsorhip in Qatar sees employees having to seek permission from employers before leaving the country, opening a bank account, getting a driving licence or changing their jobs.

While most large companies and employers do not systematically abuse the system, it does mean employees in smaller companies or working for individals and families are vulnerable. 

It also contributes to accusations that Qatar is a destination for people trafficked for the purpose of involuntary servitude. (Source: UN Refugee Agency.)

While the government of Qatar is no fan of the system, huge pressure remains from Qatar businessmen to retain sponsorship.

And in an article in the Peninsula today businessmen warned of 'doom' if the law was revoked.

In our Tips and Advice on Finding Work in Qatar we suggest that jobs seekers concentrate on finding vacancies with larger companies such as QP or Rasgas or with the government rather than with small companies. 

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