Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Crashed Ice Comes to Qatar

Red Bull are planning to break the ice with the Qatar people by holding a spectacular ice-skating event in Villagio on February 12th from 7-10 in the evening.

A jump in the Red Bull event.
Forbes-Associates, who are assistanting with Red Bull's PR in Qatar, told us that the company liked the irony of holding a winter event in a desert country where temperatures can reach 50 degrees! (Although it's not actually very hot at the moment.)

According to Joshua Hooper-Kay, of Forbes-Associates, pairs of ice-skaters race round an ice-rink filled with bumps, jumps, rollers and obstacles two-at-a-time - reaching, at times, speeds of up to 70 miles per hour.

In Qatar the event will have an added twist with a jump being made over a Chevrolet truck, as well as a belly slide underneath an object.

You can see the full course below, although this is still subject to change:

The current planned course.
We immediately jumped to YouTube to check it out, where the event looks rather different, being a specially designed out door course with a downhill section, too difficult to do here in hot Qatar.

Currently it looks as if the event is going to be free, but if that changes we'll let you know!

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