Saturday, March 20, 2010

Beating the Heat in Qatar

I'm sweating as I write this.

It's nearing the end of March and it's hot. We're told that it's going to cool down soon, but that will only be the prelude to the summer.

Cooling down in Aspire ParkOne girls uses the water spray at Aspire to cool down.

By the end of a particularly hot summer, the sea can be like hot soup.

The temperature in the city is only exacerbated by thousands of air-conditioners blowing out hot air into the city, paradoxically increasing the need for the cool air they generate inside!

(Sadly, the wind towers which kept Qataris cool in the past have all but disapeared!)

Many Qataris tell me, though, that they can deal with the heat - as long as its dry. It's when it humid that it becomes really intolerable.

With the immediate future looking quite hot, Sonya has come up with a very timely article on how to beat the heat in Qatar.

Have a read - and don't forget to let us know your own tips and tricks!

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