Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Qatar sponsorship changes coming!

Update: After double-checking, we have been told that this is still under discussion, with a decision to be made safely.

As long term Qatar residents know, employees leaving their jobs (and failing to obtain a letter of no objection from their employer) face a ban of two years before they are allowed to return to Qatar.

A reader recently wrote to us asking if it was true that the two year ban had been changed to six months.

We have been asked this before, and always upon checking had found that the ban was still six months. However, we thought we had better check again.

To our surprise our HR contact (no use checking with Qatar embassies - they never reply!) informed us that the sponsorship ban will be changing from 2 years to 6 months in 2011. He also told us that big changes were going to happen to the Qatar sponsorship situation as a result of the 2022 World Cup.

We are still trying to verify this information, but it looks like the Qatar sponsorhip system could face some drastic changes!

Also see: Qatar Visas

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