The Competition
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The Competition
Posted by
James Dunworth
9:46 AM
Labels: competition
This post could fill a book - but I am way too tired for that, and I doubt you would have the time or the desire to read it. So here are what I consider the highs and lows of Qatar 2008.
Cable Cuts
Ironically, Qatar starts and ends the year struggling with slow internet due to cable cuts. Qtel seems to have learnt its lesson well as the internet speed is certainly a lot better than when we posted about it in February, and photographed one user pulling her hair out in: Another Internet Cable Goes.
Ostrich Attack
A slow internet connection is not the worst thing that can happen to you, as one resident found out in a trip to Abrouq nature reserve - the poor chap was very nearly kicked to death by an ostrich. This is a post worth reviewing as it is once again the ostrich breeding season.
Qatar Cross
The Cross Shall not be Raised in Qatar warned one Qatar columnist, yet a church was raised, delighting Christians yet sprouting debate and disagreement between Muslims in Qatar. Abroad, though, the reaction was one of respect for a guesture of tolerance and mutual repect by the Qatari government.
Qatar Olympics
Qatar was at first disappointed, then bitter at losing the bid for the Olympic Games. What riled was that Qatar actually beat one of the cities going though on the Olympic Games points system, as we saw in this post: Why Did Qatar Lose the Olympic Games?
Qatar originally said they would keep on applying for the Games until they got it, but there has been little mention since the failed application of another bid.
Gang Attack
In a racist attack, a foreign boy was attacked and brutally beaten to death. This happened not in Qatar but in a British town, as we saw in Superior Culture. The reponse was outrage - and, amongst some of us, shame.
Media Center
A Center for Media Freedom was opened in Qatar. We have been fairly sceptical as to how much they would actually do in Qatar, and so far their main focus has been on journalists abroad.
Qatar Kissing
Finally, there is the rather sad story of a couple kissing who then got into trouble despite the fact they were married. The marriage involved a Christian and a Muslim couple, legally married abroad. Although they fled before the sentence was passed, they were sentenced to a year in jail. So, if you are a couple of mixed religions (with the women being a Muslim), it is probably best not to come to Qatar.
So, that was 2008 - more lows than highs perhaps, (although we did miss out all the sporting events), but that's life.
See you next year!
Posted by
James Dunworth
8:00 AM
A while ago I did a post on the future of Qatar which aroused quite a bit of debate on Qatar Living here.
Ngourlay disagreed quite strongly with my prediction that one day there would be an internet bubble in Qatar. I have been meaning to reply ever since and have finally found time to get round to it.
Now Ngourlay is a brilliant programmer, and has direct experience of working during an internet boom and for dotcoms. He has far more experience of these matters than me, but I am still going to stick my neck out and disagree with him!
Let's take some of his points:
There aren't the programming skills in place, nor is there a wish on the part of the local population to become coders. Both the USA and UK had a microcomputer craze 10-15 years before the dot-com boom. There was a pool of people who understood the basics of programming who could take on development and project-management roles.
Sixty years ago, it could have been argued that there were no engineering skills to build oil rigs. There's certainly no will in the local population to become builders. A majority of Qataris want a nice cushy government position (sorry, Amnesia, I know that doesn't include you or your crowd!) Yet Qatar can and does import the skills it needs. The same can happen with the net.
The OECD said last year that the local school-leavers could barely read or write.I think what I have noticed is a definite variation in the education of Qataris. I have met those graduating from the local schools who have obviously not had a good education.
However, it would be a mistake to think all Qataris are educated in these schools. There are a class of Qataris, who are educated either in top international schools or abroad, who have an excellent education. I have met some who could speak better English than me. I have also met (a few) who have programming skills.
But in any case, you don't have to be Qatari to start a business here., the Yellow Business Pages, was set up by a British person., a site selling Arabic Books for Children, was set up by an Iraqi girl studying in Qatar. TheSmokersAngel was set up by a Brit in Qatar using the BigCommerce software.
Google certainly believes the area is going to take off. They are predicting a huge growth in the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region, have established offices in Dubai and are developing Arabic translation tools.
They see the current developments in social networks like, as well as other Arabic sites, as a necessary prerequisite to the development of ecommerce in the region.
While current internet advertising in Mena is still a fraction of what it is in the West, (despite strong growth over the past six months), it is predictions of an increase of over a thousand percent over the next two years that has got their mouths salivating.
I think it might be a while longer before it takes off, especially with the drying up of credit, which will probably affect Qatar more than it likes to admit.
But when the locals finally catch on to the potential of the internet there will be a bubble, and like other bubbles here it will go to extremes.
It just probably won't happen in 2009!
Posted by
James Dunworth
7:00 AM
Labels: Qatar on the net
Qatar Visitor has started a group on Facebook named Qatar. (Okay so we weren't feeling very original.)
It's just a place to post things you are interested in, have a discussion and meet new people.
We have been lucky enough to already have a few people join - including two of our "officers" who promise to keep everything in order!
See you on facebook!
Posted by
James Dunworth
9:26 PM
Labels: Qatar on the net
Qatar writers and poets can now join a facebook group where they can post their musings, writings and poems and get some feedback.
The Group, which is called Poets and Writers in Doha and was started by Malik Peterson, already has 22 members and has a number of poems posted.
Remember, if you are a writer you can also post your details for editors on our Qatar Writers page.
50 Spix's Macaws, one of the most endangered birds in the world, are to make their journey from a Qatar conservation centre to their original home: Brazil.
The Spix's Macaw are currently extinct in the wild, and there only around 120 left in the world.
Their continued survival has a lot to do with the efforts of the Al Wabra Wildlife Preservation Center, owned by Sheikh Saud, which bought up much of the remaining stock of parrots and has had great success in breeding them.
Now the center has purchased a huge farm in Brazil in the birds original territory. Domestic wildlife will be removed from the farm in order to allow the parrots to enjoy their natural habitat - an all too rare reversal of the normal order of things!
Also see:
Rare Spix's Macaws to go Back Home: in the Peninsula
Al Wabra Wildlife Preservation Center: official site
Qatar Nature: Articles about Qatar's Natural History
Al Wabra Wildlife Reserve: Qatar Visitor Article
Posted by
James Dunworth
3:42 PM
Labels: environment, nature
Football mad Qatar believes it has a good chance of getting the World Cup to Qatar.
Seasons Greetings to all! Here's a few links to share with you...
Qatar Christmas (Poem!)
Celebrating Christmas - the Filippino way! (GMA News)
Christmas on the Pearl(
Kite Surfing on Christmas Day (in festive attire!)
Posted by
James Dunworth
10:16 AM
Souq Waqif's Dar Al Foundation will be running art courses this year.
Courses will include:
Posted by
James Dunworth
10:48 AM
Yesterday it was the Dakar rally. Today it is the Tour De France.
Posted by
James Dunworth
8:31 AM
Posted by
James Dunworth
7:00 AM
Labels: Qatar on the net
The New York times is running an article on how Arab Women are Making Progress ... by becoming stewardesses:
Marwa Abdel Aziz Fathi giggled self-consciously as she looked down at the new wing-shaped brooch on the left breast pocket of her crisp gray uniform
Wonderful. We're bringing our sexist roles to the Arab world. The Washington Post just ran a story celebrating the first Baghdad beauty contest. Bring on the freedom, bring on the sexism!
It is, to be sure, a great stride forward that women are respected enough to hold jobs; unfortunately, it seems like those things being rewarded in our elitist papers are those things that are from a more sexist American past: beauty contests and female flight attendants.
Internet speeds slowed to a crawl yesterday, with a number of users complaining about speed. (At Qatar Visitor we were tearing our hair out!)
The fault, it seems, was due to three internet cables being severed.
Qtel proudly boasted that Qatar wasn't really affected.
“There is no major impact for Qatar’s communication services as we have many cable operators,” said Adel Al Mutawa, executive director of Group Communication, QTel.
Posted by
James Dunworth
4:37 PM
Labels: Qatar on the net
A teacher-friend, when talking to a class of Qatari ladies, tried to explain the word traditional with reference to the ladies' Abayas.
They were not amused.
A Yellow Pages Directory for Qatar
Posted by
James Dunworth
1:52 AM
Labels: Qatar on the net
I expected things to be quiet this morning, it being a holiday, but the locals were out in force, purple flags fluttering from their cars and heads sticking out of car tops.
Huge TV screens flickered on the Corniche, Arabic music blared out in the pleasant balmy sun and a regatta made the most of the pleasant weather.
Later that night we passed aspire tower, once again lit up in a blaze of colours and with more huge tv screens, presumably featuring the special National Day TV channel set up for the days events.
At nine we pulled up on the waste ground close to the recently closed Rydges hotel. We waited for an hour, admired the laser show but were finally deciding it was time to call it a day when the huge fireworks display finally went off.
Also see: Qatar National Day on the website, or our photo stream on Flickr.
Yamli has just launched its Arabic search engine, allowing Arabic users to search the net with either Arabic script or Arabic transliteration.
The search comes with a number of impressive tricks:
Posted by
James Dunworth
11:39 AM
Labels: Qatar on the net
On December 18th, Qataris celebrates its National Day, and many of its workers enjoy a day off.
The day is not, in fact, a celebration of Qatar's Independence Day but rather of the succession of Sheikh Jassim, regarded by many as the founder of the modern Qatari state.
Although his father was the first to participate in negotiations with Britain, it was Sheikh Jassim who defeated the Ottomans in a pitched battle (see the Rise of the Qatar Ruling Family for more information.)
Celebrations these year include massive fireworks and a re-enactment of The Way of the Messenger - the traditional route taken by messengers on camels. The day is being preceded with three days of camel training and dressage which will take place at the Al Rayyan club on Dukhan Road.
A full schedule of this year's events have been posted on Qatar Living here.
"Qatar's GDP to Soar 10% Depite Turmoil" said the Gulf Times today, quoting Samba Financial Group.
Or is it?
The statement ignores inflation, which is currently around 15%. If inflation does not fall, real growth would be around 5%.
Inflation is, in fact, projected to fall to 9%. If it does so, the growth would be around 1%, less than both the current 10% projected by Samba Group and the original 19.6% forecast for this year.
However, as the article points out, Qatar does seem to have an advantage in its reserves of Natural Gas.
Natural Gas projects are still coming on line, which should help maintain revenue growth even with falling prices.
Many Natural Gas projects are also sold on long term contracts, which will hopefully provide a more stable source of revenue than fluctuating oil prices.
Also see: Qatar Business
A pleasant place to spend some time away from the crowded Doha roads is Aspire Park. Hidden away behind Villagio, it is a surpisingly large and green park, complete with children's play area, football piches, greenery and trees.
To get to the tower just head up the road between Villagio and Hyatt Plaza and press the button on the gate - the gate will then open automatically. Alternatively park in Villagio and walk round to the back of the mall.
With the president of the Philippines, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, visiting Qatar, Filippinos in Qatar have been in the news recently.
According to their President, reported on Filippino news site Balita, it is good news for them. Instead of potentially losing their jobs in Qatar due to the world credit crunch, she believes that there are a further 37,000 jobs available for them here.
These jobs would be coming at a time when expat workers in other countries are being made redundant.
However, not every Filipinno is confident about the future, as this Al Jazeera video below shows...
Now we don't mean to panic you. Qatar is, in many ways, quite a tolerant country. However, there are a few things that you should really avoid doing.1. Drink Driving.
There is zero tolerance for Drink Driving in Qatar. Actually, this is something I totally agree with, and has been ever since I read the Ibot blog: the writer, Shannon, was put in a wheelchair at the age of eight years old. Her two young friends fared worse: both lost their lives.
However, many expats do not respect the drink driving laws and I personally know two expat drivers who lost their jobs and residence here as a result. I know many more who drink drive on a regular basis, often assuring me: "I ken handle it," as they fall out of their chairs. Others will have one drink - acceptable in the UK, for sure, but not without risk here.
Obviously, if a death was involved in a drink driving accident, the penalty would be far worse than deportation.
2. Getting Drunk
Well, let's qualify this - it usually means getting drunk in a public place and making a nuisance of yourself. If you have a liqour permit, it's legal to buy alcohol here and drink it in your own home (after concealing it in your car on the way) and it is legal to drink in a bar. It is not legal to drink elsewhere. However, the majority of people who have been arrested for drinking have been those causing problems: fighting and generally being a nuisance.
Muslims who drink should be extra careful. The law seems to be ambiguous here: they can get alcohol licences but they are forbidden to drink by Shariah law, and can be punished with a caning.
See Qatar Alcohol for more information.
3. Looove...Outside Marriage
A number of people have asked us whether it is acceptable to live together outside marriage. The answer is no, it's not. This is a strict Wahabbi country and many people, albeit usually servants, have been arrested, imprisoned and deported for sex outside marriage.
4. Offending Islam
Now let's put this into context here. There are many discussions between Christians and Muslims (and others) here, and many Muslims value the opportunity to put their point of view across, even if you don't agree with them. However, some things are sacred - that includes Mohammed and the Quran.
5. Libel and Slander
You really don't want to annoy the wrong person here. Qataris value their privacy and honour - so watch what what you say about who you say when you are chatting away on online forums here, or you might just find yourself with on a one-way plane trip back home.
These are our top five ways to get deported - let us know if you think we have missed any...
Image of Drunk Driver by Tread
Also see: Qatar Dos and Don'ts | Qatar Culture
You may have noticed that our website is down. As far as we can work out, this is something to do with the forum. Unfortunately, we have been able to contact our forum expert (why do these things always happen on the weekend?) Hopefully we will have the website back up sooner than later. We will then probably move the forum to a seperate site so this can't happen again!
Apologies to anyone who was looking for information on it - if you need some info leave a comment here and we will try to help you!
Update: The website is now up again.
Posted by
James Dunworth
2:58 PM
It's some time ago since we reported the story of a married couple landing in trouble after a public kiss.
Things only got worse for the Arab couple, who are from Lebanon, when a Qatar court refused to accept their marriage.
Vodafone is here, and its website is worth visiting just to see the flash intro - butterflies swirling round the screen and an image of the world before the words: It's a Big World flash up.
The company is announcing its entry with a bang. In a brilliant marketing ploy, the company is concealing 500 pieces of a jigsaw around Villagio Shopping Mall tomorrow (Saturday).
Those finding the 500 pieces can take them to the Vodafone store where they get a goody bag and the opportunity to win one of 50 prize packs - including a Vodafone phone.
Then the winners of those will get to help construct a giant puzzle, and get the opportunity to win an all-expenses trip to absolutely anywhere in the world.
Given the publicity that the event is generating and will generate, that trip will be a lot cheaper than it would be buying sufficient advertising to get the same publicity!
Also see:
Qatar Telephones
Qatar Mobile Phones
We've often thought it strange that the Qatar Web, though small, does not really interconnect very well. As a result we decided to try and start a series of posts keeping up with what is happening - so here goes...
Qatar Living is still holding its third anniversary competition. They have one Ipod nano left to give away, so if you would like the chance to win one you can find the details here. (If you like competitions you might also want to enter the Qatar Visitor competition for a chance to win a free signed copy of Qatar.)
I Love Qatar, meanwhile, is spreading the news of a spetacular New Years Eve party to be held at the Sheraton Hotel, while Mr Q Blogs about a typical Eid for a Qatar family.
Other blogs are pretty quiet at the moment. Life on the Spot, normally very vocal (especially when they get arrested in supermarket!) has contented itself with some images of Al Wakra beach (and I thought it had all been dug up!). Marjorie in Qatar wishes us a Happy Eid and then heads off to Sri Lanka for a week. Mohana has made a decision to visit India despite fears about airports and terrorism - partly because she and her husband don't want terrorists to dictate their life.
Out of the Qatar blogospere the hot news is the Qatar- Bahrain bridge, which, according to the Dubai chronicle, will be completed by 2013 (don't hold your breaths!) The Islamic Museum is still generating news and comments - although the Tuque Souq is less than complimentary, calling it a "giant blocky monstrosity of modern architecture".
Business news from Startup Arabia reports that internet advertising in the Mena Area (that's the Middle East and North Africa) is set to double over the next year. That may seem like good news for websites in a time of recession, but is a far cry from Google's claim not so long ago that internet advertising in the region was set to increase by well over a thousand percent.
Hopefully more businesses will wake up and realise how much better value internet advertising is over print advertising - a factor which may actually drive internet advertising in a time of recession. However, last time we had a look at Google Adwords, the costs per click for Qatar had actually been reduced!
Finally, a website we hadn't noticed before but which has been featured in the new edition of Marhaba is Qatar Paintballing. You can get all the details of the sport from the website, or just head along to their location in Hyatt Plaza to take part in it.
That's all we could see on our search - do let us know if we have missed anything!
Posted by
James Dunworth
10:54 AM
Labels: Qatar on the net
At Souq Waqif at least, Qatar seems to be determined to avoid the usual criticism that Eid is not celebrated like it used to be - or that Christmas celebrations are better than Eid celebrations.
Like many other families, we have been taken advantage of a very pleasant winter weather to get down to the souq and enjoy all the shows and activities: these have included living statues, jugglers, dancers, caricature drawers, a tea pourer on a unicycle and comedians - all of which has been free.Things look set to continue on 18th December, when Qatar gets ready to pull out all the stops to celebrate National Day. According to the Gulf Times, events planned include live music, parades and fireworks to equal those seen last month.
Also see: Qatar Holidays
I've had to work hard to get this list down to ten - I originally came up with 21 and then decided that would be better for a website article than for a quick blog post!
1. Books:
Choose one of the Qatar books from our book section. Have a friend interested in nature/history? Buy a copy of discovering Qatar. If you live abroad you can buy it through us - helping us to improve the site and buy more articles! (Often by the writers and editors of the books we sell!) If you want a more global view of Qatar you could also buy the coffee table book Qatar, edited by David Chaddock.
2. Lamp
Personally I like the old heavy brass lamps avaible from the junk and antique shops - one sits pride of place on my mother's hearth back home. Traditional coffee sets also make a good present, as does Arabic coffee with its faint cinemon taste.3. Jewellery.
Qatar's gold souq has a fantastic range of very pure gold jewellery. We especially like Cartouche - a gold oblong which has your name inscribed on it. In Qatar the gold shops will inscribe your name in Arabic on one side and in English on the other.
4. Traditional clothes.
Glide across the desert sand with a black veil mysteriously covering your face, or stand proud in a thobe of pure white - at Souq Waqif and elsewhere you can buy all the traditional Arabic clothing, making for great photo opportunities.
5. Wood art.
Qatar wood art is simply suberb. By combining wood shavings of different shades and textures, the artist manages to come up with a picture that is full of colour - but uses no ink. At around QAR10,000 in the Gharaffa shop, though, it doesn't come cheap.6. Calligraphy.
You don't have to be a Muslim to appreciate the beauty of some of the best pieces of calligraphy. In fact, as you can see in the Islamic Museum, calligraphy was even used by some early Christian painters.
7. Dates.
Dates are a traditional Arab gift - and are also full of goodness (and sugar!) You don't have to stick with plain dates either, as there are all sorts of varieties and spin offs available - our favourite are dates with almond and chocolate. You can find whole shops dedicated to dates in Qatar, so you won't go short of choice.
8. Arabic Perfume
You'll also find no shortage of perfume here. The Arabic perfume, which can finding lining the walls top to bottom in souq shops, is rather stronger than Western perfume.
9. Traditional Cloth
Traditional bedouin weaving still takes place in Qatar today, and the weaving can both be seen or be bought in Souq Waqif.
10. Water Pipe
Shisha smoking is popular in Qatar, and small or large sets of the pipes can be bought to take home. Just be aware of the health risks first!
Related posts:
Christmas in Qatar
Christmas Dinner
Presents from Japan
We celebrate the first day of Eid with an excellent article by Yousra Abdelaal. In Eid Frenzy, Yousra looks at the frenzied preparations that take place in Qatar prior to the festival, and joins in at the henna salon.
Meanwhile, a question we posed (not entirely seriously) in 2006 is still arousing comment.
What does a vegetarian Muslim sacrifice?
Zizi replied:
The vegetarian sacrifices anything special to him.Not so, answers Shahd, who believes that while a Muslim vegetarian is not required to eat meat, he or she should still make the sacrifice.
Normally, the vegetarian can sacrifice a sheep, goat, or whatever it is he pleases and he can give out the meat as sadaqa (charity), but no, i don't think there is a vegetarian tradition in islam since muslims can't prevent themselves from anything that allah has granted!I wasn't even sure that there were such a thing as Vegetarian muslims, but a quick internet search put me right.
Neither, unfortunately, answer our original question. So if you can enlighten us, leave a comment, or head over to the Qatar Living forum to argue the matter out!
Also see: Eid Ul Adha
With Eid al Adha here and Christmas fast approaching, it seems the perfect time for a competition.
This time round we are offering a signed copy of Qatar to the winner of the competition. The book has been kindly donated by editor David Chaddock, who is also author of Qatar: A Business Traveller's Handbook.
The latest edition of the book features over 160 pages of beautifully written content by Qatar based writers such as Frances Gillespie, as well as over 200 photographs of the country, many of them specially comissioned.
To enter the competition all you have to do is sign up for our free newsletter (in our side bar!).
In addition to being entered in the competition you will receive a monthly newsletter with:
Posted by
James Dunworth
12:36 PM
Labels: competition - exporting scooters and mobility equipment to the Middle East